For many years, the WID has worked with the Alberta government to upgrade decades-old infrastructure through various programs. More than $145 million has been invested since 2007.
A significant investment into irrigated agriculture was made in September 2020, to support development within districts across the province including the WID. Together, the Canadian government, Alberta government and irrigation districts are enabling an accelerated timeline for projects to modernize infrastructure. This funding serves irrigators, and in turn Albertans, for generations to come.
These projects are made possible by the funding and support of the Alberta Irrigation Modernization (AIM) program , Canadian infrastructure Bank, the Alberta Provincial Government, and the Alberta Irrigation Council.
Active and recently completed projects are listed below.

Active Construction
'C' Canal rehabilitation: Reach 3 - RR 245 to Highway 21
This project involves the modernization of the C Canal system between Highway 21 and Range Road 240 by installing an impermeable liner and improving hydraulic efficiency. The primary rehabilitation strategy will involve placing a gravel armor material over the liner and adjusting the cross-section to facilitate flow. This approach to modernization has been selected as it will deliver water efficiencies while simultaneously minimizing the impacts to adjacent landowners during construction.
Strangmuir Pipeline: Phase 5 and 6
Phases 5 and 6 will complete the full build-out of the Strangmuir pipeline system that began in 2020. Once complete it will service over 8,400 irrigation acres.
- 3.5 km of mainline PVC pipeline construction began April 24th.
- 80% of pipe is installed and backfilled, ROW (Right Of Way) reclamation is complete.
- 270 m branch line will be installed after harvest.
Construction commenced on schedule and is expected to be completed on schedule.
Recently Completed Projects
Canal rehabilitation: Reach 4 - Highway 21 to Range Road 240
This project involves the modernization of the C Canal system between Highway 21 and Range Road 240 by installing an impermeable liner and improving hydraulic efficiency. The primary rehabilitation strategy will involve placing a gravel armor material over the liner and adjusting the cross-section to facilitate flow. This approach to modernization has been selected as it will deliver water efficiencies while simultaneously minimizing the impacts to adjacent landowners during construction.
Glenrose Canal: Phase 3 and Spillway
This project involves the
Strangmuir Pipeline: Phases 1-4
This project involves the replacement of an unrehabilitated section of existing canal with a 4.9 kilometre gravity pipeline. This project will generate water savings by eliminating evaporation and return flows as the pipeline is closed.