Adding irrigation acres is acquiring water rights to register on land that is not already registered with the district. The land must meet irrigation guidelines as set out in Section 96 of the Alberta Irrigation Districts Act.
The Board can release additional acres for purchase, or someone may be willing to sell their acres.
In order to purchase acres or if acres are being transferred for purchase, an application needs to be submitted first.
Applications are reviewed in our weekly meetings to determine if we are able to deliver water to the location, and what additional agreements and/or contracts need to be prepared.
Once it passes the weekly meeting, the application is added to the agenda of the next Board meeting to review and approve the first reading.
Once the first reading has been approved by the Board we are required to advertise the new acres in the paper.
We start preparing the paperwork for the owner to sign in anticipation that no one will oppose the acres to be placed on the parcel.
A letter is sent to the owner informing them that the first reading of their application was approved by the Board and that the need to come into the office to sign paperwork.
Once all papers are signed and the required month has passed, the application is placed in the agenda for the next Board meeting for finalization.
Once the Board has approved the finalization, a letter is sent to the owner letting them know that they are fully approved for their acres.
The acres are recorded in our system, and every year in the middle of August we send out the Assessment and Billing Notice of Irrigation Acres.