
  1. The WID will do a site visit to the requested location.
  2. Staff reviews the application and notifies the applicant if approved.
  3. If approved, the applicant comes to the WID office with a government photo ID and signs the contract in person.
  4. The applicant is invoiced with payment due April 30.


Rural water use agreements – Term of Agreement 5 Water Seasons

  • In accordance with the Irrigation Districts Act (IDA) (Section 19.1), the WID has approved policy ADM 43 for the Rural Water Use Agreement.
  • This allows for an owner or lessee of a parcel to enter into an agreement with the district that authorizes the delivery of water for rural water use.
  • This is defined under the IDA as (mm.1) ‘rural water use’ means the use of a maximum of 25,000 cubic meters of water per user for any other purpose than:
  1. Household purposes
  2. The irrigation of irrigation acres recorded on the assessment roll of the district, or
  3. The irrigation of acres included in an alternate parcel irrigation agreement.

                                                          It is broken down from 3 – 20 are-feet of water.

  • The approval process is approximately 2-3 weeks.
  • To cancel, please provide written notice by email or in person at the office.
Type Rates GST Total
Up to 3 acre-feet of water ( 3,700 m3 ) Small $ 1,000.00 $ 50.00 $ 1,050.00
Up to 5 acre-feet of water ( 6,250 m3 ) Medium $ 1,500.00 $ 75.00 $ 1,575.00
Up to 10 acre-feet of water (12,334 m3) Large $ 2,000.00 $ 100.00 $ 2,100.00
Up to 20 acre-feet of water (24,669 m3) X-Large $ 3,000.00 $ 150.00 $ 3,150.00
Discount for storage/dugout on rates $ 100.00 $ 5.00 $ 105.00

For your convenience below is a water conversion breakdown:

Acre Feet Imperial Gallon Litres
1 271,328 1,233,482
3 813,983 3,700,446
5 1,356,500 6,167,409
10 2,713,000 12,334,818
20 5,426,000 24,669,637
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