There is a $5,000 fine if you are stopped and haven't obtained a water hauling permit.
To apply for a water hauling permit, please come to the office and complete the application and submit your payment.
Domestic Water Hauling Permits allow people to pump water from our canals into holding tanks and haul it for the purpose of watering yards, gardens or livestock. If this is not what you are looking for please call our office for assistance at 403-934-3542.
Domestic water hauling application
- This application must be approved in person with payment.
- Contracts are valid for the current calendar year.
- 2025 season fee: $315.00 including GST.
- The permit and document must be visible in the cab of the haul vehicle and produced upon request.
To complete the application you must provide the following information:
- Tank truck information: make, model, color, license plate number
- Legal description of land where the water will be pumped from
- Legal description of land where the water will be hauled to
Commercial Water hauling permits allow people to pump water from our canals and haul for the use of dust control, weed spraying, and drilling of water wells.
Commercial water hauling application
- This application must be approved in person with payment.
- Contracts are valid for the current the current calendar year.
- 2025 season fee: $2,100.00 including GST.
- The permit and document must be visible in the cab of the haul vehicle and produced upon request.
- Any water supplied by the WID requires a permit including water from dugouts or ponds that are on private lands fed by WID water.
To complete the application you must provide the following information:
- Tank truck information: make, model, color, license plate number
- Legal description of land where the water will be pumped from
- Legal description of land where the water will be hauled to
- Well site (if applicable)