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Convert terminable acres to irrigation acres
The fee to convert terminable to irrigation acres is $1,522.50 per acre (including GST).
Although there is no specific deadline for applications, earlier is better. The approval process is approximately 4-6 months.
- The application is reviewed and presented to the WID Board.
- If approved, the applicant comes to the WID office with a government photo ID and signs the document in person.
- As per the Irrigation District Act, a notice for the request is placed in local newspapers by the WID, with 30-days to object.
- If no complaints are made to the WID, the request is submitted to the Irrigation Secretariat of the Government of Alberta, Agriculture & Irrigation.
- The Irrigation Secretariat will contact the WID with their decision, and the applicant will be notified.
- If approved, the applicant will be invoiced for the conversion of acres.
Transfer irrigation acres
If the new parcel currently has access to irrigation
There is no fee to transfer irrigation acres.
The approval process is approximately 2-3 months.
- The application is reviewed and presented to the Board for approval.
- If approved, the applicant comes to the WID office with a government photo ID and signs the document in person.
- As per the Irrigation District Act, a notice for the request must be advertised with 30 days to object.
- If no complaints are made to the WID, the applicant will be notified and invoiced for the transfer of acres.
If the new parcel currently does not have access to irrigation
The approval process is approximately 4-6 months.
- The application is reviewed and the WID visits the requested site location to review its serviceability from existing district works and if any new or additional infrastructure is required.
- If the site can be serviced, the application goes to the Board for approval.
- If approved, the applicant comes to the WID office with a government photo ID and signs the document in person.
- As per the Irrigation District Act, a notice for the request must be advertised with 30 days to object.
- If no complaints are made to the WID, the request is submitted to the Irrigation Secretariat of the Government of Alberta, Agriculture & Irrigation.
- The Irrigation Secretariat will contact the WID with their decision, and the applicant will be notified.
- If approved, the applicant will be invoiced for the transfer of acres.
Cancel irrigation acres
Upon approval, the WID Board will pay a Capital Asset fee for the acres at $880/acre + GST.
The approval process is approximately 4-6 months.
- The staff reviews the application and notifies the applicant.
- Staff presents the application to the Board for approval. If approved, the applicant comes to the WID office with a government photo ID and signs the document in person.
- As per the Irrigation District Act, a notice for the request must be advertised with 30 days to object.
- If no complaints are made to the WID, the request is submitted to the Secretariat of the Government of Alberta, Agriculture & Irrigation.
- The Secretariat will contact the WID with their decision, and the applicant will be notified.
- If approved, the applicant will receive payment for the cancelled irrigation acres.
Cancel terminable annual irrigation acres
The WID does not pay back cancelled term or annual irrigation acres.
The approval process is approximately 2-3 months.
- WID staff reviews the application and notifies the applicant.
- Staff present at the next board meeting to approve the removal of acres.
- If approved, the applicant comes to the WID office with a government photo ID and signs the document in person.